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The above parts shown may not make any sense to you or you may bother to know. These parts are similar to your car parts. Your car also have similar parts in it. It may sound confusing but any automatic car have similar type of parts for shifting gears and when your car stops moving in D or R, it means the transmission parts have worn out, broken or faulty in side the transmission.
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Do you really need to know. It depends! Some like it and some don't. Just like inside our body there are blood vessels, blood itself, muscles, bones, ligaments, brain, heart etc, cars have inside parts that work hard to get you going.
Just like for us to move, we use our legs predominantly but we are least interested to know how and what inside body parts make us move. Similarly we have least interest in the interior car parts functionality and quality. Why Toyota has emerged as a successful brand in car industry because people believe in Toyota quality. Why, because these cars have good performance, least maintenance yet very reliable and affordable. What makes you believe in Toyota is above said reason and in nut shell your good experience with these cars. Similarly other brands have good cars which people have good experience with.
But certainly what Toyota really rely on to maintain there reputation and remain in forefront of the industry. Certainly the management, the quality control, the research work, production quality and efficiency, quality parts, quality assembly and quality parts design department. Even though everything is crucial to push out quality cars for Toyota but our point of interest is Quality Parts Design Department.
The car is a combination of assembly of various parts together. These part's material quality and parts production quality produces a Quality part. But just like a piece of paper is so flimsy and without much strength but if same piece of paper is folded in certain pattern together it can produce great strength. So how to design the part is most crucial.
As you can see in highlighted text, Sonnax is talking about increasing the piston travel by .06", big deal!
Yes it is for design engineers because this little extra travel can give them more choices to increase the power handling of the part and better functionality which could relate to better shift quality for smooth shifting of gears and better fuel efficiency and may be more power.
Where as a driver we look at comfort, performance, safety, reliability, fuel economy and more power in our car, the design engineers make it happen by choosing the combination of quality materials, state of art design of parts and state of art machines that produce parts. We talk about how fast our car can run, they talk about fractions of mm or inches to accomplish that extra edge of more power and speed in any given car.
Maintenance of your vehicle is the best favor you can do to your car for keeping it in factory condition for longest possible time with least repair. For that read your vehicle maintenance booklet which advise you about various maintenance requirements of different parts after driving it for X amount of kilometers. Like some Honda and other brands need to change timing belt at certain mileage, without it there are good chances that belt may break which in turn may break your vehicle engine parts. Similarly easiest but most crucial is changing engine oil in time and flushing radiator coolant at certain point. There are lot more involved in any car for maintenance and one must refer to maintenance chart or table to keep track of it. Happy driving.